Join the national Eighty By 2018 Initiative And Take the Challenge to Fight Colon Cancer

The Colon Cancer Challenge Foundation and the American Cancer Society have joined forces on an initiative called “80 by 18”, which challenges you to take a stand against one of the most preventable forms of cancer – colorectal cancer – by getting screened, choosing a healthy way of eating and being physically active.

eightyby2018_emblem-01Join the millions of Americans who are taking a stand against colorectal cancer by Taking The Challenge now. Sign the pledge below and join us on October 1st in New York City to learn more about “Eighty by 2018”, walk, run and raise the funds needed to continue our fight against CRC.

When you take the pledge, you make a promise to yourself to undergo a routine procedure that may help save your life and exercise and healthy eating habits into your lifestyle. Even if you have already had a colonoscopy, we encourage you to take the pledge to help spread the word about the importance of early detection of colorectal cancer.

Click here to register for the New York Colon Cancer Challenge on October 1st.

Click here to learn more about the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) and the “Eighty by 2018” Initiative.

The Challenge

I am due for colorectal cancer screening and will get my colonoscopy this year, or if I am not due for my colorectal cancer screening, I will talk to my friends who are of age and offer to drive them to their appointments.

I pledge to do at least an additional 10 minutes of movement 5 days a week and replace one sugary snack with a fruit or vegetable.

I understand that colorectal cancer does not discriminate when it comes to age, gender or race. Many of those diagnosed often have experienced no signs or symptoms. I will be vigilant and be an advocate for my health with my doctors.

I pledge to talk with my loved ones about our family history of cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases that may be precursors to colorectal cancer.

Take the Challenge

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