By registering for a Colon Cancer Foundation (CCF) campaign, event, or do-it-yourself fundraising page, you’ve joined a purpose-driven community that is dedicated to fighting colorectal cancer (CRC) by supporting research, leading advocacy, and promoting on-time screening through primary prevention and awareness initiatives.

This toolkit is designed to help you navigate virtual fundraising and how to ask for donations in the midst of COVID-19. We are confident that if you follow the steps laid out in this toolkit, you’ll meet and even exceed your goals for this year, all while having fun in the process.

2022 marks the 19th year of our signature event – the Colon Cancer Challenge. Across the United States, teams of families, friends, co-workers and local and national corporations will come together to raise awareness of colorectal cancer, support those battling the disease and raise funds for the Colon Cancer Foundation’s strategic initiatives of Public Awareness, Prevention, Screening, and Research.

2022 Colon Cancer Challenge Fundraising Toolkit