New Study Finds Immunology Affects Colorectal Cancer Survivors
In the cancer community usually, immune cells in a tumor can improve one’s chances of survival. However, a new study recently found that colorectal cancer patients with too many immune cells may be at risk for disease recurrence and increased risk of death.
New research from City of Hope, an independent research center, published a study in the Journal of Clinical Investigation that offered insight that the standard view of immunology as a positive may adversely affect colorectal cancer patients. 71 patients with colorectal cancer at the City of Hope had immune cells and all of the patients relapsed – all even earlier than those who did not have the immune cells are still relapsed. The researchers hypothesized that the patients’ immune systems were on overdrive.
The study offered new insight into immunotherapy and Immunoscore, which is a recent benchmark that may predict the risk of colon cancer recurring in survivors. City of Hope has identified new recurrence insight based on their studies and hope to apply the same techniques to breast cancer patients and eventually melanoma and lung cancer.
Read more about the study and ask your physician about any questions you may have.