Remind Your Dad to Get Screened for Colorectal Cancer

What are you getting your dad this year for Father’s Day? One way to show him you care is by bringing up the statistics about colorectal cancer and making sure he knows about regular screenings. While a discussion about colorectal cancer may not be at the top of his list, show dad you love and care about him this Father’s Day by reminding him about getting screened.


The lifetime risk for colorectal cancer in men is 1 in 22, according to the American Cancer Society. Why are men more likely to get colorectal cancer than women? One theory, according to the American Cancer Society, is that men are more likely to develop colorectal cancer than women mostly due to lifestyle choices, such as cigarette smoking.


While men can’t change that they are more likely to develop colorectal cancer, there are numerous lifestyle choices they can make to decrease their risk of developing the deadly disease. Your dad can work to control his weight, physical activity and diet to decrease his odds of getting colorectal cancer.


The best thing, however, is to abide by the American Cancer Society’s recommended screening guidelines. If your dad has an average risk of developing colorectal cancer, he should get screened starting at 45-years-old. If your family has a family history of colon cancer or higher risk, the screening guidelines will vary. Talk to your primary care physician for more information.


While colon cancer can be a scary topic to talk about, it’s important to have conversations with your family about the disease. Make sure to have a discussion with dad this Father’s Day about what everyone can do to protect your butt against colorectal cancer. Encourage him to talk to his family care physician about colorectal cancer and the steps he can take to decrease his risk.


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